Self-Care Sunday: 5 Tips to Kickstart Your Week


Weekends always seem to fly by—before you know it, with a blink of an eye, Monday is right around the corner. The Sunday scaries start to quickly set in and before you know it, a new week is upon us yet again. You suddenly stop and realize, you haven’t completed any of the tasks you set out on to do on your to-do list, and now the list is growing even longer.

For many of us, finding ways to conquer the beginning of each week can be a bit overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be that way. We love taking the time to utilize Sundays as a self-care to help prepare for the upcoming week. Here are 5 tips you can incorporate into your weekly tasks to help you kickstart each week on the right foot. Keep reading to find out more about our recommendations.

5 Tips to Kickstart Your Week

Tip #1 – Set Weekly Goals

Whether it’s meal prepping, going to bed earlier, or morning meditation, setting a goal for yourself to achieve is an excellent way of getting out of your comfort zone and having something to look forward to weekly. It’s important to keep a list of your completed goals and reward yourself with an incentive each time you achieve them such as a new book, a candlelit bath, or your favorite luxury hair extensions. These small moments of self-love will not only give you a confidence boost but will also help you prevent yourself from self-doubting thoughts and prepare you for an amazing week.

Tip #2 – Don’t Hit That Snooze Button 

How many times are you constantly hitting the snooze button and whispering to yourself, “just five more minutes.” And how many times do you finally wake up in an awful and unmotivating mood? Let’s try working on not hitting that snooze button, but instead, immediately getting out of bed once that alarm sounds off. Training your body to wake up on time, and on schedule, will not only bring about discipline, but it will also allow your mornings to go so much smoother because you won’t feel the need to rush—due to oversleeping.

Tip #3 – Use Sunday’s As Your Official Planning Days

As the saying goes, fail to plan, plan to fail. Leaving everything until Monday to begin your organization for the week will for sure leave you in a frenzy. You’ll be all over the place, forgetting to complete certain tasks, and overall discombobulated. By designating Sunday as your planning day, you will give your mind the opportunity to thoroughly plan out and focus on the tasks for that week. You’ll also sleep so much easier knowing that your week is planned out and ready to be conquered.

Tip #4 – Find New Ways to Get Inspired and Motivated

A lot of times, weeks tend to start off sluggish, so you have to find a way to get yourself into the right mindset of pushing through and becoming inspired and motivated. Maybe it’s a hair appointment that you’re looking forward to as you recently purchased hair extensions from Yummy Extensions, and you can’t wait to install your summer look! Or maybe it’s listening to your favorite podcast, having a happy hour with your girlfriends, or reciting daily affirmations – whatever your thing is that keeps your inspired and motivated, incorporate that into your weekly routine to help kickstart your week.

Tip #5 – Maintain a Positive and Optimistic Mindset 

Going into the week with a positive and optimistic mindset is one of the most important things you can do to make sure you jump start your week off on the right foot. What you think, you become, so if you think positive and happy thoughts, no matter what gets in your way—positive and happy thoughts will radiate out of you. Positivity is contagious, so start your week off with it, and watch it follow you throughout!

Taking the time to incorporate these 5 tips into your weekly routine will not only help you kickstart each week, but will also provide you with a sense of control and reasonable expectations for each week ahead. Let us know in the comments tips you’ve incorporated into each of your weeks for a more fulfilling and purposeful outcome. Happy Self-Care Sunday Yummygirls!✨


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